Extractions & Dental Surgery
in Smithtown, Long Island

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Save Tomorrow’s Smile:
Protect Your Long-Term Oral Health

At Dr. Joe Long Island, our first approach is always to help you preserve your natural smile. But sometimes, keeping a damaged tooth can compromise your overall oral health.

Extractions are often a last resort but can help support your overall oral health, from responding to a dental emergency to removing a wisdom tooth.

Led by Dr. Joe, our team is committed to creating a positive experience from start to finish. Let us be your partners in crafting a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. Book your appointment today.

Our Approach to Dental Procedures:
Education, Empathy, & Excellence

Your smile is as unique as you are, and it deserves personalized care. Dr. Joe and our team combine empathy with a passion for delivering effective solutions. We believe in educating you about your options, including minimally invasive techniques whenever possible, and supporting you through every step of your treatment journey.

Our Extraction Services:
Tailored for Your Smile Goals

We offer a broad range of extraction services in our office. For more complex dental surgeries, we collaborate closely with specialists and arrange consultations so you can receive seamless, comprehensive care.

Whether it’s relieving discomfort from impacted teeth or enhancing your smile’s aesthetics and spacing, our priority is your satisfaction.

Saving a tooth is ideal, but sometimes extraction is necessary. When a tooth is severely damaged, decayed, or infected and repairing it with fillings, bonding, or a crown isn’t an option, our team can perform a routine extraction to minimize discomfort and prevent further complications.

Teeth that are impacted (blocked below the gum line) can cause discomfort, swelling, bleeding, or lead to infection. We can remove impacted or overcrowded teeth to help improve comfort or function so you can chew, speak, and smile comfortably.

Serious dental pain, injuries, or infections require prompt attention. At Dr. Joe Long Island, we prioritize your immediate comfort and long-term oral health. Our experienced team can handle various emergency situations, including:

  • Severe toothache
  • Dental abscess (infection)
  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Fractured or broken tooth
  • Injuries to the soft tissues (lips, tongue, gums)

While most baby teeth naturally loosen and fall out, a stubborn tooth can occasionally block the path for a permanent tooth. Dr. Joe’s experienced team can gently remove these teeth, ensuring a smooth transition and minimizing your child’s discomfort.

Our Dental Surgery

Dr. Joe Long Island offers a comprehensive selection of dental surgery services. Our approach is always personalized, focusing on your unique health and comfort benefits.

Each procedure is designed to address your immediate dental health issues and any aesthetic concerns.

Most people have 4 wisdom teeth, but if a wisdom tooth is impacted (stuck under the gum) or overcrowded, it can lead to discomfort, infection, or damage to nearby teeth.

Extracting your wisdom teeth can help relieve discomfort and prevent future dental problems.

Root canal therapy can allow us to save a tooth that might otherwise be lost to damage or infection. With this procedure, we can effectively treat infections in the root of the tooth and restore the health and function of your teeth.

After losing a tooth or having an extraction, we can restore your smile with a dental implant. An implant is a permanent, natural-looking solution that can help maintain a full smile, preserving your jaw structure and bite strength.

A dental bone graft can strengthen or add bone to your jaw where tissue is lost or needs more support. For some restorative procedures, like dental implants, a strong jawbone is crucial for successful dental work.

Discover the
Dr. Joe Difference

At Dr. Joe’s, you’re more than another appointment on the calendar. You’re part of our family. 

Whether you need a routine dental exam or surgical extraction to alleviate tooth discomfort, we’re by your side, committed to providing a seamless, comfortable experience.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Joe today.

Choose Dr. Joe Long Island

In-House Lab
& Same-Day Dentistry

With in-house technologies like inLab and CEREC, we have control over the customization and quality of every crown, implant, and bridge. We can craft a smile that’s uniquely yours with the convenience of same-day service. Enjoy more time with your new smile.

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Facial Aesthetics
& Smile Makeovers

Dentists understand facial anatomy, and we can truly get to know your unique features. We can rejuvenate the smile you once had with a smile makeover. Through customized aesthetic services, we can create a look that inspires you to share your radiant smile.

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Giving Back:
Tomorrow’s Smile Today

Founded in 2015 by Dr. Joe, Tomorrow’s Smile Today (TST) is a nonprofit providing quality dental & medical care to those in need worldwide. TST also engages emerging leaders at dental colleges, including NYU alumni like Dr. Joe, to nurture the next generation.

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Smile & Glow:
Bright Smiles, Radiant Skin

At Dr. Joe’s, we want to help your whole face glow. We don’t just focus on your teeth—we care about your big-picture goals. You deserve a team that genuinely cares about you, inside and out. Let us help you define your look and make your smile shine brighter.

Our Location

Our Address

  • 823 W Jericho Turnpike, Suite 1B
  • Smithtown, NY 11787

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
By Appointment Only
By Appointment Only


Our Blog

How Long Does Botox Take To Work?


Botox is becoming more and more popular; it’s a unique way to gain a more youthful, smooth appearance. Like many forms of esthetic treatments, it should always be approached with care, and with the help of an experienced professional. The good news is, your dentist may be able to help with Botox, giving your skin […]

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May 24, 2024
Dr. Joseph Pantaleo

5 Treatments to Fix Crooked Teeth

Dental Services

Crooked teeth aren’t just about your appearance. They can have a significant effect on your overall quality of life! Bite misalignment, pressure, discomfort—these are all possibilities when you’re dealing with crooked teeth. Fortunately, our team can help! When it comes to treating and fixing crooked teeth, our team will likely recommend one of the following […]

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May 24, 2024
Dr. Joseph Pantaleo

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants: A Comprehensive Guide

Dental Services

Dental implants have revolutionized how we technique tooth loss, offering a solution that looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth. Suppose you’re exploring options to replace missing teeth. Understanding the benefits and process of getting dental implants is crucial, especially if you’re seeking a “Dental Implant near you” or a dentist in Smithtown, NY. Dr. Joe’s […]

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April 3, 2024
Dr. Joseph Pantaleo
A doctor carefully applying Botox to a young woman's forehead to help treat wrinkles.

Botox is becoming more and more popular; it’s a unique way to gain a more youthful, smooth appearance. Like many forms of esthetic treatments, it should always be approached with care, and with the help of an experienced professional. The good news is, your dentist may be able to help with Botox, giving your skin […]

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A close-up image of a woman's smile with crooked teeth.

Crooked teeth aren’t just about your appearance. They can have a significant effect on your overall quality of life! Bite misalignment, pressure, discomfort—these are all possibilities when you’re dealing with crooked teeth. Fortunately, our team can help! When it comes to treating and fixing crooked teeth, our team will likely recommend one of the following […]

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Dental implants have revolutionized how we technique tooth loss, offering a solution that looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth. Suppose you’re exploring options to replace missing teeth. Understanding the benefits and process of getting dental implants is crucial, especially if you’re seeking a “Dental Implant near you” or a dentist in Smithtown, NY. Dr. Joe’s […]

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