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Understanding Emergency Dentistry: What You Need to Know

Emergencies can strike at any moment, and dental emergencies are no exception. When you’re faced with a sudden dental issue, understanding what constitutes an emergency and how to seek timely care is crucial. Our dentist in Smithtown, NY, offers insights into emergency dentistry, ensuring you have the knowledge to act swiftly when needed. Emergency Dentistry Near…

What are the basic steps of extraction?

Extracting a tooth can be an intimidating experience for many, and it’s natural to have concerns about the process. However, rest assured! Our dedicated team of professionals at Dr. Joe’s ensures your comfort during the procedure. While tooth loss can occur due to various reasons, ranging from accidents to decay, there are specific situations where…

Dental Implants Demystified: A Comprehensive Overview

If you have been relying on dentures or a dental bridge for tooth replacement and are seeking a more stable and natural-feeling solution, dental implants could be the answer you’ve been looking for. Dental implants offer a revolutionary approach to restoring missing teeth, closely mimicking the appearance and function of natural teeth. You can find…

Dental Implants: Lifespan and Aftercare

Dental implants in Smithtown, NY, are advanced and innovative solutions for replacing missing teeth. They are metal posts made of biocompatible materials, usually titanium, that are surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gum line. They provide a strong and durable foundation for attaching prosthetic teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. This integration with the…

Types of Dental Bonding: Which is Suitable for Receding Gums?

Periodontal disease causes the gums to recede from the root. It exposes the tooth root and makes it sensitive to cold and hot temperatures. Cold hot drinks can cause inflammation of the tooth roots. Common causes of gum recession include trauma, harsh brushing, aging, periodontal disease, trauma, or orthodontic treatment. Dental bonding near you is a non-invasive…

Oral Hygiene after Tooth Extraction: Dos and Don’ts

In America, tooth extractions are standard for adults. Oral surgeons and dentists remove millions of teeth every year. Whether you must have a tooth extraction near you because of decay, overcrowding, trauma, or wisdom tooth extraction, knowing how to care for the extraction site after oral surgery is essential. Although the dentist nearby believes in the power…

Cavity Filling: Procedure Time Benefits

Most people have had a dental filling in their lifetime. Fillings are used to treat a hole or cavity in our teeth. To repair the damage, the decayed part of the tooth will be removed, and the space will be filled with a filling material. Dental fillings will protect your teeth from further damage or…

Bone Graft for Dental Implant: Purpose and Procedure

Bone grafts for dental implants become essential if you have an inadequate bone in a part of your jaw where jawbone deterioration has occurred and needs additional support. The bone for the grafting may be obtained from a part of your body for surgical infusion into the existing bone in the jaw. Occasionally synthetic bone…

Choose Dr. Joe Long Island

In-House Lab
& Same-Day Dentistry

With in-house technologies like inLab and CEREC, we have control over the customization and quality of every crown, implant, and bridge. We can craft a smile that’s uniquely yours with the convenience of same-day service. Enjoy more time with your new smile.

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Facial Aesthetics
& Smile Makeovers

Dentists understand facial anatomy, and we can truly get to know your unique features. We can rejuvenate the smile you once had with a smile makeover. Through customized aesthetic services, we can create a look that inspires you to share your radiant smile.

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Giving Back:
Tomorrow’s Smile Today

Founded in 2015 by Dr. Joe, Tomorrow’s Smile Today (TST) is a nonprofit providing quality dental & medical care to those in need worldwide. TST also engages emerging leaders at dental colleges, including NYU alumni like Dr. Joe, to nurture the next generation.

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Smile & Glow:
Bright Smiles, Radiant Skin

At Dr. Joe’s, we want to help your whole face glow. We don’t just focus on your teeth—we care about your big-picture goals. You deserve a team that genuinely cares about you, inside and out. Let us help you define your look and make your smile shine brighter.

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Our Address

  • 823 W Jericho Turnpike, Suite 1B
  • Smithtown, NY 11787

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Hours of Operation

10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
By Appointment Only
By Appointment Only


Our Blog

How to Get Rid of Frown Lines

Botox, Skin Tightening

If you’re dealing with frown lines—those pesky creases between the eyebrows—you’re likely looking for a solution. They can add unnecessary age to your appearance, and they can be difficult to deal with alone. There is good news: frown lines don’t have to be permanent. You can visit an experienced professional to discuss potential solutions. To […]

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August 21, 2024
Dr. Joseph Pantaleo

How to Permanently Cure TMJ Disorder

Dental Services

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is an uncomfortable condition that can cause pain in your jaw joint and/or the muscles of your jaw, and which sometimes leads to facial discomfort, limited jaw mobility, and symptoms like vertigo or tinnitus. Pain from TMD can significantly disrupt a person’s life. TMD can be cured with a range of […]

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August 21, 2024
Dr. Joseph Pantaleo

What is the Best Skin Tightening Treatment?

Skin Tightening

Aging is a natural process, but that doesn’t mean you have to deal with fine lines and wrinkles. Whether you’re looking to get rid of sagging skin and age lines or even just rejuvenate your complexion, there are special treatment options available to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. So what’s the best skin tightening […]

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July 16, 2024
Dr. Joseph Pantaleo
A frustrated woman touching her forehead and looking at her frown lines in the mirror.

If you’re dealing with frown lines—those pesky creases between the eyebrows—you’re likely looking for a solution. They can add unnecessary age to your appearance, and they can be difficult to deal with alone. There is good news: frown lines don’t have to be permanent. You can visit an experienced professional to discuss potential solutions. To […]

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A woman suffers uncomfortable jaw pain due to TMJ Disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is an uncomfortable condition that can cause pain in your jaw joint and/or the muscles of your jaw, and which sometimes leads to facial discomfort, limited jaw mobility, and symptoms like vertigo or tinnitus. Pain from TMD can significantly disrupt a person’s life. TMD can be cured with a range of […]

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A woman smiling while touching her face, showing off the results of her skin tightening treatment.

Aging is a natural process, but that doesn’t mean you have to deal with fine lines and wrinkles. Whether you’re looking to get rid of sagging skin and age lines or even just rejuvenate your complexion, there are special treatment options available to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. So what’s the best skin tightening […]

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